Sunday 28 November 2010

GSAL Christmas Fair Poetry Contest

Well done to all who entered the poetry contest this weekend outside Santa's Grotto at Rose Court. It was tough to choose a winner, but I have! I have also highly commended another poet for an outstanding shape poem. His name is James Hardy from Year 3. Well done James, and unlucky. You only JUST missed out on winning the Maltesers!

Here is James' poem. It looks better in real life as he's written it within a drawing of a rat. Great shape poem!

I scuffle through rubbish all night long
I'm scrumfatlus to cats
I am black as coal and swift and speedy and hard to catch
I have big brainy brain

However, the winner, and proud owner (soon to be delivered) of a box of Maltesers, is MILLY MACKENZIE from 2W for her brilliant nature poem. Here it is...

I went to the woods
and I saw a great tree
it was once a little seed and now
it is a great big hump of leaves

The description of a tree being 'a great big hump of leaves' did it for me. Brilliant!

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