Tuesday 18 December 2012

Cricket Swimming Madness

So...I DID IT!!!!!! This morning, at 910 am, I walked into Bannatyne's swimming pool area, fully clothed in my cricket kit, climbed into the pool, and swam a mile. A MILE!!!! It was tough, it was crazy, it was uncomfortable, but it was great! £750 raised for the club and counting! This was meant to be my week of relaxing - work finished, children at school and nursery, Christmas shopping done, Christmas on the horizon but not yet here...but thanks to Alice's poorliness and my madness and penchant for doing wacky things, I've instead spent the morning swimming 80 lengths of a pool. Thanks to EVERYONE who sponsored me, and if there are any others reading this who would like to, please email me at conrad.burdekin@sky.com and let me know who you are and how much you'd like to sponsor! Thanks.

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