Saturday 7 November 2009


Yesterday I drove out of Wombwell Park Street Primary School for the last time (hope it's not the last EVER time!), and my heart was happy and sad all at once. Happy because I have had such a brilliant week working here. The staff have been friendly and enthusiastic, and the children have been absolutely and completely brilliant! And sad because that's it. My week is over, and next week Wombwell Park will carry on without me as part of it. Good job I'm going back for the Christmas meal in December!

I have so many memories from one single week. The slow, sinking feeling on the first morning when most of Year 6 looked like they'd forgotten that it wasn't still half term and that they weren't still in bed; the realisation after the first morning with them that, actually, they were alive and that they seemed to have a lot of potential with regards to writing; trying to make six separate activities work at the same time in Reception with only 3 staff (me included); storytelling in the Nature Reserve in the best storytelling chair I've ever sat on (a wooden throne with 'Once Upon a Time...' carved in the wood); trying to keep a lid on the boisterous boys in Class 4; creating a script with year 6 in one morning and then hoping like mad that the'd pull it off the following morning (they did and well done to them); seeing Callum as a VERY believable tortoise create chaos in prison; watching Matthew steal the show as Tortoise; and so, so, so, much more. As I'm writing this I'm smiling, remembering how great last week was. It truly was one of the best week's I've had in schools. Hard at times (especially with complete lack of sleep throughout the week and the biggest cold I've had in my whole life), stressful on occasion (kneeling in the corridor working out the order of performance for the final assembly six minutes before the assembly was due to begin!), but, mostly, lots of fun and extremely rewarding for me.

Thanks to everyone at Wombwell. And especially to Michelle, who looked after me from the moment I arrived; and to Lillian, who may well not have seen the last of me! I've had a blast!


Unknown said...

Dear Conrad,

Thank you for visiting our School. You have inspired me to want to do better at Writing.

You have opened my eyes to see that writing can be fun. Now I think writing is…
…Very exciting; can be physical and most of all FUN!!!

Maths used to be my favourite subject but you’re starting to make me change my mind. I now enjoy writing; thank you again for coming and please come back. You are AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Dear Conrad
I hope you had a brilliant time in our school im glad to here that you are coming again. I absolutley loved doing the story of polution Pete and thinking of punishments for the tortoise. The way you read the stories makes it much more exciting to listen to i cant wait until you come again thank you so much for coming in to our school you really are one of the best writers ever. From Liberty class 5

Michelle said...

Hi Conrad,

Thanks for a fantastic week in our school. From start to finish, even though the week was tightly planned, everyone was wondering what might happen next! All our expectations were truly exceeded with Year 6 coming alive as the week developed and the tortoises around school multiplying by the hour.

You'll be amazed at the display taking shape in the entrance - which hopefully you'll see more of at the Christmas meal.

So, once again, on behalf of our school, my class and I, THANKS!!!!