Sunday 4 July 2010

Competition fever!

Two competitions, one outcome: fame, fortune, and prestige!

Well, not quite. One of the competitions is the World Cup Final, and if Spain and Holland manage to make it through their tricky semis to the final, this budding author will receive £513 from the very nice people at BETFAIR. And if they don't? Well, the very nice people from BETFAIR will give him his money back. Can't ask fairer than that.

But the more exciting competition is the one with my poem, 'Sick Sid'. It's been watched by getting up to 200 people now (or rather, 100 who have each watched it twice!) and it's looking good against some of the other competitors. Although having said that, the winner 2 months ago got over 4000 views, so some perspective is needed!

But with the competition and my book coming out, along with lots of people BUYING and READING my book, this little poet is feeling rather fab dabby dozy at the moment (particularly 'dozy' actually, as the girls were all up at 5 this morning!).

So, if you haven't already, please log on to


Thanks muchly.


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