Wednesday 15 January 2014

Hallam's Heroes!

Whenever I have an extended break, re-entering the school environment is a bit like spacemen must feel when re-entering the earth's atmosphere - a bit hairy, but pretty exciting. So I was pretty lucky that my re-entry path took me first to Hallam Primary School in Sheffield, after I'd had a fab Christmas break. The Year 1 children that I worked with were awesome - we zoomed off to space to find Rotten Sprout, the worst villain in the entire Universe. Once located, we managed to overcome him to free Sweet Pete, the innocent victim who'd been held against his wishes in Rotten Sprout's disgusting dungeon. I'm always amazed at how willing Year 1 children are to suspend disbelief and really go with whatever I tell them. In fact for one poor boy it was a bit much. He burst into tears declaring that he didn't want to go to space - he appeared to think that I was suggesting we REALLY fly there in a REAL space ship! (as opposed to the one that I actually had with me made from cardboard and tinfoil!). Several other Year 1 children cried too, which is a bit of an unwanted record for me, but it turned out that that was because in the great sweety hunt that began each session, they'd not managed to find any.

I also had a fun hour with Year 2. 2 B were delighted to discover that Sweet Pete had visited their classroom whilst they were in assembly and left them some chocolate biscuits! After a few poems from me, they quickly wrote some letters and poems that were given to me before the end of the day. They did them in about ten minutes, which was pretty impressive. Here they are...

Dere Sweet Pete

Thank you for the biscits and sorry you hat to go in to the smelly dungin.
I fort yor sweets was verry teystee.
I wish I was you with all them sweets.
I layct your body with all them sweets but thank you for the mesig on the bord.


My silly sister eats sweets at bedtime
It makes a big crunch crunch.
When I pick her up from school and oh no
She picked her nose then she wipes it on me
She laphes ah ah you have bowgey and tells on me

Maia G

The Treats

Oh the treats
A delicious feast.
Nothing better to eat than muffins
At least.
Yummy scrummy
I love sweets.
Muffins, chocolate, sweets
All will make a scrummy feast
At least.


Dear Sweet Peet

Thank you for bringing burbon biscuits for 2B it was really kind of you. We et them on 10.1.14.

From Ethan

These were brilliant guys. I'll pass on your messages and poems to Sweet Pete - he's currently living in his house in Sweety Land and having a great time. And the best news of all is that there are NO rotten sprouts there - which he's very happy about.

See you again soon!


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