Saturday 30 November 2013


And so, at eight minutes to midnight, a fantastic week at Seven Hills Primary in Morley has finally finished. Well, actually, it finished at round about four o'clock, but two films and a Nando's later, and now it's nearly tomorrow!

This has been one of my best weeks in a school ever. It really has. And made all the more memorable because, mid week, school got the dreaded call...yup, Ofsted were on their way in! And did I run away? Did I hide in the staffroom? Perhaps I felt like that, but I didn't...I got involved. In fact, I even got GRADED!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't expecting that. But going through an inspection with the staff has really made me feel part of the team there, and so any of you Seven Hillers reading this - thank you! Thank you for making me feel so welcome. And Sue, THANK YOU times two for the beer! I might not have looked VERY professional carrying around an oversized bottle of Becks all morning, but I was SUPER chuffed that you gave it to me.

And the children? They were AMAZING! Really, capital letters AMAZING. The poetry contest at the end of today was fab. Choosing a winner was pretty hard work, but eventually Mason was crowned champion, and he was delighted. A year 2 child beating off competition from much older children. He took it all in his stride and made sure to remind his class that they should all thank him, seeing as how all his sweets are going to be divided up into party bags for them next week.

A mention also to Bethany from Year 4 and Malachi from Year 3 who came second equal in the competition. And to everyone else in the final - WELL DONE! - and maybe you'll win next time.

And I couldn't write this whole blog entry without a special thanks to all the office staff - thank you ladies, for buying my lunch every day (!), opening doors with your magic fobs, and being generally lovely and smiley. I'll see you on Friday for the Christmas fayre (thanks for sorting THAT out seems that I have you to thank for most things that have happened this week!).

Thank you all at Seven Hill - it's been really fab. I'll leave you with my Ofsted poem, inspired by the real-life inspectors. Just remember...she's gonna getcha!!!

Ofsted Inspector

Ofsted Inspector
She’s gonna getcha
You just betcha
She’s gonna getcha

Enters the room
Like a cloud of doom
Eyebrows raised
Finds it hard to praise
Looks through books
Giving filthy looks
She’s got a stare
That’ll curl your hair

School Inspector
Misery collector
She’ll arrive when you
Least expect her

Ofsted Inspector
She’s gonna getcha
You just betcha
She’s gonna getcha

Just one sigh
Makes the teachers cry
They stay up late
Trying hard to be great
Dream of being
Marked as outstanding
But this inspector
Is far too demanding

Constant objector
Anxiety infector
Devilish director
Dark-side defector

Ofsted Inspector
She’s gonna getcha
You just betcha
She’s gonna getcha

Getcha! Getcha!
She’s gonna getcha!
Getcha! Getcha!
She’s gonna getcha!
Getcha! Getcha!


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