Friday 12 September 2014

Globert Rossop

I'm back! I have not posted on here for AGEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!! A long, lovely, family holiday in May and a great Summer Holiday is partly the reason, but really , there is no excuse. Ten detentions for Conrad!

Right, now I'm back. And I've started off this particular school year with a great visit to a new school (to me) in Royston. Meadstead Primary Academy was its name, and we had some fun! The children there made it very clear that it'd better be interesting else they weren't going to be impressed...and judging by their faces and the way they listened, I'm HOPING that I got their seal of approval.

Most fun bit of the morning was with the Y5 and Y6 classes when I was busily spoonerising their names. I'd explained that Conrad Burdekin is spoonerised into Bonrad Curdekin, and naturally they all wanted to know what theirs would turn into. One boy, called Robert Glossop put his hand up.

Globert Rossop was what he became. And it was an instant hit. What a brilliant sounding name! And what a great word we created.


I just like saying it. I told him it would be an ace name for a character in a story. Or maybe it's a noun - I'd like a globert of honey on my toast, please?

Or perhaps a noise that a frog would make? Just after he's swallowed too much pond water.

Globert! Globert!

Whatever, it's a great name, and one I won't forget in a hurry.

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